Sorry it's been a while since we have kept our Stellar Moda lovers in the loop, and for that I'm truly sorry! So I will give you a quick update about whats been happening!
Our dearest Caroline has jet setted back to the USA about 8 months ago, so its been Lauren and myself keepin' Stellar Moda clean & tidy, of course this would be impossible without mother bear Christine and the helping hand of Elsa J, so with that in mind we're all going to try our best to keep our blog spot going until bigger and better things arise! Posting all the pretty things that catch our eye, keeping you all updated, and show casing the latest trends!
Also we have our own Instagram now! woo! @stellarmoda, which is basically the same deal as blogspot however for your mobile phone so you can take us everywhere you go, so be sure to follow us, and of course our facebook page too!
Alas, our website will soon be taking over and we wont need blogspot anymore, however until we can get that up scratch, you can catch all the latest gossip on here! Thanks for being so patient lovelies xxxxxx